After having the shittiest night of the trip, Sunday was my last day in Santiago.
I was still pissed off in the morning, so I grabbed my things and got
ready to go out pretty early.
ready to go out pretty early.
Lugh was my companion until Santa Lucía station. My request for him was to bring my cardigan back (which I forgot at the party), and gave the present to Rubén and Loreto (because in the hecticness of being late we forgot to bring
it to the wedding party).
it to the wedding party).
My destination was Manuel Montt station. A friend of mine was waiting for me there. This was my only chance to see him, so I spent most of the day with him.
I thought the meeting was going to be kind of awkward, but it wasn't at all.
We walked until Providencia while I complained and he listened. Then we talked about a lot of random things. It was so funny, so it made me feel a lot better ~
We went to a part of Providencia which I didn't know.
There was a huge park a lots of green. I really loved it ~
There was a huge park a lots of green. I really loved it ~
Then we decided to go to Sn. Cristobal Hill.
The day was super hot, but we went there anyways.
The place was so nice, and we arrived close to the top.
There was a japanese park there, animals, lots of (hidden) areas, and a huge pool !
I would have loved to get in, but I didn't bring anything to bath ~ (´„•ω•„`)
There was a japanese park there, animals, lots of (hidden) areas, and a huge pool !
I would have loved to get in, but I didn't bring anything to bath ~ (´„•ω•„`)
[ Photos taken by my friend at the japanese park.
I was afraid of falling down actually, That's why I look so awkward *laughs* ]
[ *sigh* ]
It was time to descend from the hill, especially because I was super hungry.
I promised to invite him to wherever he wanted to, so we ended up at Burger King's *laughs*
We still had some time to kill until 4 pm, so we went back walking to the metro station. On the way I went to a Dunkin Donuts. It was a MUST to bring back
donuts home. Also, we bought a coolata because the sun was awfully hot !
I had such a great time. I really didn't want to leave.
Neither return to Antofagasta.
I promised my acquaintance, Mote, to model for him on a photoshoot,
so I met with him later.
We went to Concha y Toro with his girlfriend, who was assisting him.
The photoshoot was great and the place beautiful, but I barely made it on time.
I arrived super late to my Grandma's house and the transfer was going to pick me up in like 20 mins.
I managed to be ready and have some time left.
(Thank god I left my suitcase ready in the early morning)
My grandma offered some cake from the korean bakery before leaving.
It was yummy ❤
Then the transfer arrived.
I didn't want to leave. As usual, I cried on my way to the airport.
I hate saying goodbye to my grandma, I love her so much.
[ "Sunsets are more beautiful than twilights" ]
On my time at the airport, I met with Lugh for the last time.
He's leaving to Mexico, and our flights left more or less at the same time.
So, it was or time to say Goodbye. I really wish him the best.
It was my turn now to return home. With a lot of feelings.
[ Creamy Mami Tee for the return ❤ ]
The flight was delayed a bit, so I arrivd to Antofagasta later than I expected.
Still, leaving the bad things aside, it was nice runaway for the weekend.
[ Airplane's food. Pretty good actually ]