16 de febrero de 2014

木の下キス ❤

After having the shittiest night of the trip, Sunday was my last day in Santiago.

I was still pissed off in the morning, so I grabbed my things and got 
ready to go out pretty early.

Lugh was my companion until Santa Lucía station. My request for him was to bring my cardigan back (which I forgot at the party), and gave the present to Rubén and Loreto (because in the hecticness of being late we forgot to bring 
it to the wedding party).

My destination was Manuel Montt station. A friend of mine was waiting for me there. This was my only chance to see him, so I spent most of the day with him.

I thought the meeting was going to be kind of awkward, but it wasn't at all. 
We walked until Providencia while I complained and he listened. Then we talked about a lot of random things. It was so funny, so it made me feel a lot better ~
We went to a part of Providencia which I didn't know. 
There was a huge park a lots of green. I really loved it ~

Then we decided to go to Sn. Cristobal Hill. 
The day was super hot, but we went there anyways. 
The place was so nice, and we arrived close to the top. 
There was a japanese park there, animals, lots of (hidden) areas, and a huge pool ! 
I would have loved to get in, but I didn't bring anything to bath ~ (´„•ω•„`)

[ Photos taken by my friend at the japanese park. 
I was afraid of falling down actually, That's why I look so awkward *laughs* ]

[ *sigh* ]

It was time to descend from the hill, especially because I was super hungry.
I promised to invite him to wherever he wanted to, so we ended up at Burger King's *laughs*

We still had some time to kill until 4 pm, so we went back walking to the metro station. On the way I went to a Dunkin DonutsIt was a MUST to bring back 
donuts home. Also, we bought a coolata because the sun was awfully hot !

I had such a great time. I really didn't want to leave.
Neither return to Antofagasta.


I promised my acquaintance, Mote, to model for him on a photoshoot, 
so I met with him later.
We went to Concha y Toro with his girlfriend, who was assisting him.

The photoshoot was great and the place beautiful, but I barely made it on time.
I arrived super late to my Grandma's house and the transfer was going to pick me up in like 20 mins.

I managed to be ready and have some time left.
(Thank god I left my suitcase ready in the early morning)

My grandma offered some cake from the korean bakery before leaving.
It was yummy ❤

Then the transfer arrived.
I didn't want to leave. As usual, I cried on my way to the airport.
I hate saying goodbye to my grandma, I love her so much.

[ "Sunsets are more beautiful than twilights" ]

On my time at the airport, I met with Lugh for the last time.
He's leaving to Mexico, and our flights left more or less at the same time. 
So, it was or time to say Goodbye. I really wish him the best.

It was my turn now to return home. With a lot of feelings.

[ Creamy Mami Tee for the return ❤ ]

The flight was delayed a bit, so I arrivd to Antofagasta later than I expected.
Still, leaving the bad things aside, it was nice runaway for the weekend.

[ Airplane's food. Pretty good actually ]


"Friend", you piece of shit. You ruined my night, and everything. 





I'll never forgive you.

15 de febrero de 2014

結婚式:ルベンとロレート ❤

Today in the morning was shopping day ☆ !

The main quest was to obtain a present for the newlyweds. 
So, Patronato was our destination ! ᕕ(´◓ω◔)ᕗ !

[ Mandatory selfie before leaving ☆ ]

But first, I decided with my friend Lugh to go the central area first. 
I wanted to go to the chinese mall again because there was a wig that 
I wanted to buy. Also, both were looking for a place to print our documents 
for our respectives flights ☝( ° д ° )

[ On our way to the central area ☆ ]

[ Mirror shot at a downtown gallery. I look so derpie ~ ( ´・ ω ・` ) ]

We arrived to Patronato after half a hour more or less.
It was super hot, so we bought some refreshing drinks before 
continuing with our quests !

☆ Pocari Sweat (mine) & Lemonade (Lugh's) ☆ ]

After from one store to another, doing some personal shopping, and buying sweets, we arrived to the perfect store to get the fucking holy present ! щ(ಥಥщ) 
It was something quite simple, but useful at the end (。▻∀◕)ゞ


We returned just on time to get dressed for the wedding. 
We were very short on time, so I got ready inmediately (⊙︿⊙✿)
Of course, my bestie took all his time. So, we were late. SUPER LATE!

Let me add that we got lost on the way *laughs*
Fucking google map, it was so twisted! And running on high heels were killing me!
But we managed to arrive to the church at the end ~ (;´◉౪◉)

We were late 40 minutes, but we arrived just when they were saying the vows.
I got very moved, but I didn't cry (´„•ω•„`)

Then the ceremony continued for another... 30 minutes? 
... I was kind of happy that I arrived a bit late.

We saw the newlyweds leaving the church, threw some bubbles... 
Everything was very beautiful 

It was time to go to the wedding reception. 
We were going to by ourselves, but one of Lugh's acquaintances offered to give us a ride.
I was very thankful, because it was farther than I expected (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)

We took our way through Londres street, which was very beautiful and old like.
I loved it ❤ !

[ Hotel entrances ]

[ In the car, on our way to the reception ☆ ]

[ Selfie ❤ ]


The place was super beautiful and fancy! ( ✪ д ✪ )
We had to wait a little for the newlyweds to show up. 
Some waiters offered us different drinks and snacks in the meanwhile ~

I didn't know anyone besides Lugh, but I had some fun talking with some of his acquaintances (▰˘◡˘▰)

[ The hall ❤ ]

[ Some champagne while we chatted ☆ ]

After hearing the words from the newlyweds, we were invited 
to go to our respectives tables.

We had our dinner there. It was delicious ☆ !

After along break, we had the chance to see the vals ❤

I was about to cry, I'm not going to lie.
 I always shipped them as a couple, and watching them so happy 
and married made me feel very happy (。┰ ω ┰。) 

After it, they invited us to the dessert buffet. I think it was the best of the night.
There were so many that I couldn't decide! _(┐「ε:)_ ♥

Now, I'm waiting for the rest of the party... Looking forward to everything !

14 de febrero de 2014

ハッピーバレンタイン pt. 2 : Santiago

 Well, today was my flight to Santiago, so I didn't have to work:

I was kind of nervous 'cause the transfer was so late ! It was supposed to pick me up at 09:00 something, but a lot of time passed and nothing! (;≧皿≦)

I called the agency and they told that they had some issues, 
but that they were going to send me a taxi inmediately.

10 mins later, a taxi from the company arrived. 
I told the driver that I was super late, so he drove at 150 km/hr (HOLY SHIT!) 
...And I arrived to the airport safely and on time in 5 mins! 
Just WOAH ! ━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━

[Waiting to get called to my flight at the airport ~ ]

[About to take off]

I arrived to Santiago at 13:00 more or less. 
I always got very excited when I arrive. I really love the city  !

Now, it was the turn to take a bus to my Grandparent's house, 
who were waiting for my already.

[At the bus]

Once I get to my Yaya's house, I had some lunch.
It was so goood, I love my grandma's cooking 

[Installed at "my room"]

And well, my trip was because of my friend's wedding. But that's for tomorrow.

The first thing I did was to call my waifu, Nina ❤ !
We decided to spent Valentine's together 'cause both were alone on that day.
*dramatic sad music* (´„•ω•„`)

So I got ready inmediately after lunch and went to meet her at U. de Chile Station ~

[Mandatory(?) selfie before leaving]

[At the subway, waiting for the train ~ ]

And well, it took her some time to arrive, as usual *laughs* ヽ(;▽;)ノ
It was kinda cute because everybody were waiting for their special 
ones at the station (wich was very crowded actually) with presents, flowers, etc.
LOVE is in the air and all that crap 

Then, I recognized that pink head inmediately *laughs* ( ≧ ∇ ≦ )

We decided to go first to the chinese mall downtown.
We bought a lot of make up and some fashion stuffs ! 
I wanted everything ~ _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_

[At the chinese mall ]

After a lot of shopping we decided to go get some coffee, 
so Starbucks was our next stop!

The day was super hot, so we decided to order some 
Frapuccinos and drink them outside ~ 

Of course, we did some camwhoring with Nina's Nintendo 3DS 
We were laughing a lot outside and everybody were staring at us *Uuuops!*

After a refreshing stop, we went to Providencia 
We visited the Lyon Gallery and did some shopping here also.

[ At the big mirror in the entrance of the gallery !
David x Gabriel all the way  ! *laugs* ]

We walked along the streets afterwards. 
I just love that part of Santiago, the feeling and the atmposphere is great 

We walked untill Costanera Center.

We did some window shopping and then we went to H&M.
The clothes were so cool! 
But I decided not to buy anything.I had to save for the present for the newlyweds.
and most of the things I liked were expensive Ughhuhuhu _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_ )

My waifu bought herself a dress, though. It was perfect for her! (。♥‿♥。) 


And well, it got super late and it was time for the Goodbye.
I felt a little bit sad. Going just for a weekend really restricts my activities.
But I had such a great time, especially because I missed her a lot (。┰ ω ┰。)

Best Valentine's Day in good while ❤ !

We promised to meet again on April.


After the date, I had to kind of run. 
I had to pick my bestie up at Padre Hurtado station because he was 
arriving from Valparaíso city. He is going to stay with me during my weekend 
here in Santiago city.

After pickig him up, we had a long chat at night before going to sleep.
(And he tried on my new wig. He looked so funny! (*≧艸≦) *laughs*

Tomorrow is going to be a loong day. But I'm sure I wont' regret it