16 de agosto de 2009

2nd Semester: START!

Bueno, esta semana empezaron las Clases en la Uni~ ( = ¬ = )U Asi que vamos con el Resumen de la Semana :B!! [LOL XD!]

Empiezo con la Basofia de Horario que me tocó para el Semestre DX! [Tengo que acostumbrme a la Idea de Clases en la tarde todos los día; y la Mayor parte de ellas con La vieja ql que odio y Clases de Teología ( = A = ) ***]

[En fin, por lo menos no tengo clases el Viernes, algo bueno que tenga X9!]

Mmm, El Martes me junté con Coso bonito a hacer Nada XD! solo quería verlo :3!

El Miércoles me compré una Bolsita de Osito para mis Futuros almuerzos en la U XD!! Y tuve clases hasta las 8, Puaj!! ( X o X )!

El Jueves pasé todo el día en la U, con almuerzo auspiciado por Vicu y sus Cupones Mágicos XD!!. La tarde fue muy fome, encima que la vieja pasa materia como el hoyo estaba muy Aburrida X9! Después de clases y Luego de Comprar MUCHAS galletitas en el Tottus fui a Visitar a Pao-chan y Su Bebé que es un Amor~! :TiaValeModeOnXD!: La amé con todo mi Ser~! ( * o * )!

El Viernes, a pesar de no tener clases, desperté temprano [Intenté con todo mi ser despertar tarde pero no funcionó XD!] Después de Vagar Toda la Mañana y la Mayor parte de la tarde, acompañé a mi Hermana a Comprar materiales, me compré un Monedero Japo Muy Amor~ ( * 0 * ) [Lo habia visto en Internet el otro día y misticamente tenían algo con el Mismo Print Aquí ( o 0 o )! Asi que no dudé en comprarlo X9!]; Luego comimos Arrollados Primavera :D! y pasamos a comprar una Tortita para mis Viejos porque cumplían 24 Años de Matrimonio!! [OMFG! La paciencia! ( O 0 O )!]

El Sábado celebré los 9 meses con Coso; y Hoy Domingo al fin dormí relativamente hasta tarde XD! [10:30] y solo me he dedicado a fermentar :D! Mas rato debo ponerme a Leer para Fonética III~ ( = ¬ = )U!

15 de agosto de 2009

9 ♥

9 Months of Love! (o´ω`o) ♥
ASDF! Hoy nos juntamos a eso de las 13:00 en el Lider para ir al Happyland a Jugar XD! Después de su bailada en la Pump Extra y de Casi darnos vuelta el "The House of the Dead II" [Nos mató el Jefe final y nos dejó sin plata! ( ; 0 ; )!] dimos vueltas Random en el Lider, Compramos Conos de Helado de Vainilla y caminamos hacia el Servicentro al frente del Mall para Almorzar un Hot-Dog XXL~! XD!!
Mas tarde fuimos al Farito del Mall, fermentamos, sacamos fotos y después nos fuimos al Galáxica, donde misteriosamente estaban TODOS los Pumpers y huas y bailamos un ratito X9!

De ahí me fueron a dejar a mi Casa y estaba Pao-chan con su Bebé ( * o * )! y luego nos quedamos weando en el Sillón hasta que tuve que irme a su "Carrete" con Asado loco XD!

14 de agosto de 2009

イチゴ ジュス ♥

Sii~! La nueva adquisición de la Semana XD!!
Había visto una Tote Bag con el Mismo Print en Poupée y en una tienda On-line Japonesa, Nunca esperé encontrarme algo así Aqui en Antofa~ ( * o * )!
[Mas Babosa porfa cuando la vi, la compré altiro~! X9!]
Y Justo que estaba pensando en comprarme un Monedero nuevo~ ( * x * )!
[Maldita Consumista de Cosas Cutes! XD!!]
Hubiese sido Muy genial que hubiese un Bolso, pero Bah! que da! Amo mi Monedero :D!
[Tendré que pasar mas seguido por ahi ( = ¬ = )♥ ]

10 de agosto de 2009

To My Inner Little Girl: Happy Day! ♥

[Hago Copy Paste de Mi Live-Journal porque me da una paha escribir en español todo de nuevo XD!]
Today is Children's day here. It's Supposed to be for Children between 0-12(?) years Old, Shan! XD!; But even if I'm 19 I still have my Young Little Spirit~! X3! So is a happy Day for me~ ( n x n )! [Looking forward for my Present, LOL X9!].

EDIT (21:55): My Mom Presented me Mangas~! Yay~! ( > ¬ < )!

I wanted to go somewhere with someone today, But I'm really tired Because of the Event Yesterday ( ñ x ñ )U, So I just stayed at Home playing on the PC and writting on My blog and Journal X3!

My Dad bought a Cake, But I don't know wich flavour is it, So I'm looking forward for Dinner X9!

And Well, today is My Last day of Vacations~! ( ; _______ ; )U It passed really quickly, I don't want to come back~! Also my Classes's schedule really sucks XD!! But Oh well, that's the student' Life X3!

Nothing else to say! I've to prepare my Bag for Tomorrow [Yeah! Like little girls, or else I'll forgot something XD!], eat and go to Bed, I've to wake up Early Tomorrow~! Yay~ *pesimistic* ( = w = )U [Hopefully I don't have classes at 8 Am like last Semester XD!]. Bye-Bee~!

8 de agosto de 2009

"Kodomo no Hi" ( @ ¬ @ )U

[Hago Copy Paste de Mi Live-Journal porque me da una paha escribir en español todo de nuevo XD!]
... or Children's Day.
The Japanese Children's Day is supposed to be on May, But We wanted to do it Now, Because here Children's day is celebrated on August, So it was a good chance to attract many people to this event~ ( n x n )!
And well, The staff who were going to participate on the Stands were supposed to arrive at 9:00 AM, But even if I woke up at 7:30 [Because I actually did XD!] it took me a lot to move moooore quickly~! [Because, Oh Hell! Who wakes up at 7:30 on a Saturday!? XD!! Unless I have work, classes or something REALLY important to do], So I arrived 30 minutes late~ ( = ¬ = )U [It could have been worse, My Boyfriend arrived at 10:30 XD!! LOL].
Anyways, I started to decorate Our Stand with Angelica, another Member of the Japanese Club, Between Paper-Kois, lots of Balloons, and some ribbons and Helping he others Club, Like the Kendo, Judo or Aikido ones, untill 11:00 Am who was the hour when the Event started.
And the Event Started...Our Job with Angelica and Joan, My Boyfriend, was to teach How to Write Kanjis with Brushes and to write People's name on Japanese and Teach them too... OMFG! I was COLLAPSING! lots, LOTS! of children wanted their name~! It was Soooo LOL, because everybody wanted even the Name of their GranGrandGrandMother! XD!! And They were so FUCKING COMPLICATED too~!!! DX!! Like: "I want my name it in this color", "I want my name on Multicolor! [WTF! XD!]", "I want my name with Sparkles", "I want it on Gold", and a BIG ETC.! ( @ ¬ @ )! There was a moment I was Alone in the stand dealing with around 40 Kids who wanted their names~! So stressing! ( ; ¬ ; )!! But at the end I had a lot of fun, I don't know where did I got the Patience that I didn't have; finally it ended at 2:00 PM: Break Time, when I finally got my Lunch! XD!!.
After the Break the event it was almost dead, still with a considerable amount of persons, Hopefully Young People Between 13-17 Years old, More easy to deal with~! ( T ¬ T )!
Then I had the chance to check out the other stands like The Origami, The Festivals, The Kimono ones! :3! And the one I liked: "Japanese traditional Sweets" ( * o * )! It was yummy~! I Tasted Dorayaki [Don't remember well the name, But it was AWESOME!, simply delicious], Dango and Mochi~ ( n x n ).
Finally the event ended with the Band "Kisetsunin" who Played An Cafe and Dir en Grey Covers~ : )!. At the same time We cleaned the Mess [Because Suddenly the weather changed, From a sunny and Hot Day to Very windy Day, LOL XD] thanked My sensei and Leave there Extremely Tired~ X3!.
Then at around 5:00 PM I went to My Boyfriend's House to Play playstation 3 and fell asleep of tiredness there XD!. I woke up at 9:00 PM, Have some dinner and went to My House~ ( ' ¬ ' )/").

7 de agosto de 2009

ASDF! ( ´Д`)***

[Hago Copy Paste de Mi Live-Journal porque me da una paha escribir en español todo de nuevo XD!]

Today My Mom and my Sister were going to the hairdresser's. I wasn't going So I was Supposed to wake up late, I was really tired~ ( @ x @ )! But Suddenly my Sister came at 9:30 AM to wake me up, Because we needed to do some stuffs at the University. I was really pissed, I hate when someone woke me up early XD!

Anyways, I ended up in queue waiting for some documents; then I went to check out other papers and finally I went to ask for Next Semester's Schedule.

Then we went to the Shopping Mall looking for a present for My Mom's Friend and a Big Bag for my Sister [She's studying Architecture, and she needs to carry a lot of Materials X9]. We found a good present buy not a Bag that My sister liked~ ( u__u )U So My mom bought us some Ice Cream to Cheer her Up, it was delicious~ ( * q * )!.
After that We went to the Hairdresser's and then I went Home.

And well, at Home I did nothing and Played a very old [And little difficult actually, LOL XD!] Sailor Moon's Game from Sega Console Emulator X9!! Untill my Boyfriend arrived to my Home at around 18:00 to Work in a Katakana Panel for the "Kodomo no Hi" Event Tomorrow~ *nervous* ( @ 0 @ )!. Between Working, watching some movies and playing We ended the panel at 00:00, It was really Fun but Tiring, Because We have to wake up at 7:00 Am the Next Day X3!!

6 de agosto de 2009

About Morphology...

*Llora sangre* ( T ¬ T )!!

Después de estar como 2 semanas y media esperando el maldito resultado al fin salió que tenía aprobado Morfo~! HELL YEAH! Estoy Feliz! ( > ¬ < )!

Cinema x Eien Kurabu

[Hago un Copy-Paste de Mi LiveJournal; Me da una paha tremenda escribir todo de Nuevo en español XD!!]

Yesterday We went on a Pseudo-Date with My Boyfriend X9!We were going to the cinema, but the Movie started at 20:30, So First We meet at 17:00 in the University Because we had a meeting with the Japanese Club about the "Kodomo no Hi" Event scheduled for this Saturday. It was really fun there, we laugh a lot and they told us what are we supposed to do in our stand [The Katakana Stand!].

After a Few Hours it was 20:00 already, So we left and went to the Cinema. But Before that we went to eat some Hot-Dogs Because We're starving~! XD!! We Watched "Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince" [Finally! I wanted to see it when it got released but I was colapsing with final Exams X9!]. It was really interesting, and got really Excited about it, But I don't want to wait untill 2010 for the Next one >:(! So maybe I'll read the Book~! Anyways, Looking forward for the Next one.

At the End, We went to a Minimarket who was Near to Buy something to Drink. Finally the Soda "Fanta Grape Flavored" arrived here~! ( * o * ) [After...3 years(?) That's Crazy!]. It's Really Tasty, I liked it a lot~ ( n x n )! Reminded me a Grape Chinese Juice that I drink many years Ago~ X9!

4 de agosto de 2009

F*cking Sneakers!

Tenía que ir a las 11:30 a la Uni a unos tramites de Acreditación XD!. A pesar de que me desperté relativamente temprano me di muchas vueltas entre Maquillarme y Secarme el Pelo X3! Asi que salí con la hora justa hacia la Uni, por suerte solo llegué 5 mins. atrasada y justo a tiempo, porque se habían demorado un poco X9!.

En fin, después me junté con Karuu en el Mall para ir a comprarme unas zapatillas decentes XD!. Luego de recorrer no se cuantas veces varias tiendas deportivas me gustaron 4 modelos de zapatillas [De entre no se cuantos existentes, Soy bastante complicada XD!] entre ellos un modelo Nike muy lindo pero fuera de presupuesto X9!, y los otros 3 eran el mismo modelo de zapatilla, unas Reebok, pero en diferentes colores XD!.
Después de haber elegido y todo, fui a buscar la Plata donde mi vieja y luego nos devolvimos al Mall, donde empezo el problema: NÚMERO!
Por la Chucha wn! XD! Sabiendo que la mayor parte de las mujeres calza 38-39 habían puras weas chicas! DX! No había en mi numero las zapatillas que queria, asi que deben imaginarse que el carasho que andaba trayendo [Por eso ODIO ir a comprar zapatillas, porque las pocas zapatillas que me gustan NUNCA estan en mi número!]. En fin, al final me convencí de comprarme una Blancas que también estaban bonitas e igual me terminaron gustando X3!.

Mas tarde, entre leceo y leceo la hora se pasó muy rápido, y para no ir a la casa y venirme al centro de nuevo fui altiro a la Uni a firmar uno papeles que faltaban, asi que terminé llegando a mi casa como a eso de las 5 Pm: Bien cansada y muerta de Hambre! X9!

Después de Almuerzo me puse medio ansiosa porque al fin volvía Coso Novio de Santiago, asi que a eso de las 8 y algo fui a buscarlo al Terminal de Buses [El nuevo que hicieron que es muy Pro *-*!]. Me di cuenta que es Re-loca esa idea de "Cuando el Mundo conspira en contra tuya", en este caso el llegar tarde, porque que no pasó en el trayecto! XD! mucho tráfico, camiones atravesados, un choque, desvíos, etc.
Bueno, luego de ir a buscarlo nos fuimos a su casa, conversamos con él y mi Suegris y Comimos Donas del Dunkin Donuts! * o *! Después me paso unos regalitos muy cute que me compro en el Eurocentro y Ñoñeamos en el PC X9!

3 de agosto de 2009

Pride & Prejudice

Me encanta, es como la 4ta vez que veo la Peli y no me canso, creo que me Leeré el libro; aprovechando de que mi vieja lo tiene, que tengo ganas de Leer y no tengo nada que hacer~ XD!