7 de diciembre de 2013


Today was my graduation in the morning.

Well, honestly, I don't give a fuck about my University.

Despite the fact that my course was (academically speaking) "good", 
they were big pieces of shit in general.

So, graduating was a mere process and I wasn't very excited about that.
(The anime event in the afternoon was more important actually)

"Thanks for nothing, fuckers"
[Best picture *laughs*]

I had to go though. My mom really wanted me to so, welp.

It was a good ceremony, especially beause we didn't care about anything and we were just having fun.

For the typical graduation pictures, here we go:

1. Receiving the diploma at the ceremony.

:Ass face:

2. It was good to see my dear friends coming  

My besties 

My Lolitas 


3. My family 

After the ceremony, we went to get some chinese food. It was delicious ☆ !


Then, I had an Anime event in the afternoon. I went with my 彼氏 after lunch.

I was a Cosplay Judge together with 2 friends. 
So, I decided to wear an imrpovised Cosplay for the ocassion.

This time I chose Athena Asamiya from The King of Fighters XIII.

私はサイコソルジャーだった ☆ !

It was an a great event, with great Cosplays, good music and motivated people !
I couldn't take photos though... (I didn't have the camera with me this time)

In the judges table.

With the winner f the Cosplay competition: GURREN LAGANN ! 

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