28 de diciembre de 2013


[Today's Outfit ♥ ]

After work, I went to the cinema with one of my co-workers to watch "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug".

I was so looking forward to it. It was delayed from the 13th to the 26th of December. It got last Thursday but I couldn't go. Sooo, Saturday was my chance 

What can I can say, it was awesome !
It has nothing to do with with the book but it's sooo good ! :rofl:

I think I'll go and see it again, this time in 3D (*˘︶˘*)


After the cinema and getting something to eat, I went out with my sister to do some shopping. I had my 3rd Secret Santa activity at night (GOSH!) and my sister wanted a dress for New Year's.

My friend Naxo was my secret santa, so I got him some picks ~

[ Edit: He really loved them. Posted a photo on FB ~ (ノ≧∀≦)ノ ]

At night, we had tons of fun with my friends, especially playing "Just Dance" and talking nonsense.

Everything ended at 5 a.m more or less. I arrived home super tired.

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