Today's schedule was very hectic.
Because yesterday I couldn't go to the 2nd chinese mall, I decided to add it to my itinerary. It was more or less like this:
- Chinese mall 2 : Get presents for my sister, my mom, and my secret santas. Also, get a bag for the gym and some damn wigs ☆ !
- Portal Lyon: The main building to visit. Get a present for my 彼氏 and my brother.
- Patronato: Get myself some clothes, cute things and my grandma's birthday cake.
So, I was awake very early in the morning and left the house at 10:30.
- At 11 I was at chinese mall and I got all the stuffs I wanted. Bad thing is that I was already loaded with things. 1 almost full big tote bag and big plastic bag with two boxes of shoes. I was behind my itinerary by 30 mins. more or less.
- The bags weren't that heavy yet so I went to Lyon's at 12:00 and got the presents that I needed. I decided to get rid of the shoe boxes (because I got more things), just carry the sandals, and put most of the things in one big plastic bag.I was window shopping a lot, so it took me more time than I expected.
- I arrived to Patronato at 14:00, with an almost full tote bag and a plastic bag. Also, it was suuuper crowded (GOSH!).
I gather some courage, strenght and patience, and decided to finish my Christmas quest.
The korean cocnvenience store was close (and empty), so I got some food supplies and an hydrating drink. It was awfully hot that day !
After 2 hours of hopping I decided to take a break and eat something.
I got a refreshing Taiyaki ice cream !
By the end, it was 17:15 already, so I went to buy my grandma's cake at the korean bakery before closing.
They had so many choices ! I couldn't decide inmediately !
At the end of my quest, I couldn't get many of the things I wanted, especially because it was so crowded that I didn't even bother to ask or to try on something.
So, there I was, with a fucking big full tote bag on my shoulder, my purse on the other one, a big fucking plastic bag on my left hand, and the cake on the right one. And I had to enter the hell called "subway", with 29°C and full of fucking people !
I don't know how did I do it, but I arrived home safely at 18:00.
My grandma helped me and offered me lunch.
It was the best reward after that crazy day.
Then I showed her the cake that I bought (cherry flavor) and she loved it.
She was sooo happy ♥ !
Then, at 20:00, my friends Ruben and Lore called. They invited to have something to eat/drink, together with a nice talk.
We decided to have some tea with my grandparents before leaving.
The bread, the tea and the cake were awesome !
Finally, I left the house again at 21:00.
I arrived just in time to the meeting point.
I was glad to see my friends again.
We ate at a very nice place, have some drinks and then we went to their apartment.
We spent the night talking until 03:00 more or less.
At the end, I decided to spent the night there. It was very late already.