24 de octubre de 2013

"Two Nights and One Day"

So, well, Mejillones time again.

But today I had a very good reason of why staying awake during the whole fucking morning there: MY BOOK ! ( ノ゚▽゚)ノ 

I read it on every single break I had in the morning 
The most interesting one was when I was on my first break, one of the assistants ther came with a glass full strawberries and gave them to me. 

I felt so fancy, especially because the part I was reading was very erotic, while eating some very nice strawberries ~ It was  funny !  (⋋▂⋌) 

Now it's close to 1 am and about to finish it... in one day... 
It's so fucking good ~ ❤ _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_
Let's hope I'm not going to fall asleep.

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