14 de octubre de 2013


Today I decided to call in sick to work. 
I didn't recover myself at all, so I cancelled all my classes and rested for the rest of 
the day at bed (´„•ω•„`)

Today was my Mom's birthday, so my sister decided to prepare something for her at night.

I was feeling better in the late afternoon, so I went to the supermarket 
with my sister to buy stuffs.
(Also, a good opportunity to take some fresh air)
That made me worse... I cant believe it ! Jut one step outside the house 
and I felt awful inmediately ~ щ(≖益≖✿щ)

Anyways, we prepared some tuna sandwiches after returning and I left the rest of the decorations to my sister and her boyfriend.

When my Mom arrived, she was super happy ! We had fun 

Now, I'm resting some more at bed.
I have to go to work yes or yes tomorrow, because I don't know how to excuse myself anymore.
I don't want to ~ _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_
 Thanks god tomorrow I don't have morning classes.

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