5 de octubre de 2013


Did I mention already how much I hate working on Saturdays?


Leaving that aside, today I got paid. That made me incredibly happy  !

I was thinking on buying a Frappé (typical thing I do when I have enough money), when my 彼氏 appeared at work and bring me one. He said he was passing by and bought me one. That was so sweet ~ (✪㉨✪) 

After work, I went to have tea with my friend Jasna.
It's been a long while since the last time we met. We had tons of fun and 
we baked some cupcakes ~
(They got a little bit burnt though *laughs*)

I stayed there untill 20:30, and then I went to OnG to talk about the Flashmob.

Misa invited to eat some hot dog later after the meeting, so I ended up arriving home very late. 

Busy weekends, as usual ~ (●´∀`●)

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