16 de noviembre de 2013


Today was very hectic ! _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_

After working, I had lot of things to do in the afternoon and I had a second 
meeting with my fellow lolitas.

I was supossed to wear my outfit for the runway, but I had some problems at home and got late, so I just wore something veeery simple.

(Fiorucci Angel face *laughs* )

Not everything went as I expected, especially because the leader didn't appear early due to some problems, so I was very pissed of by the end of the day.

Some hours later, my friend Luthien appeared and she had a Breakdown.

After getting some stress and having a talk, we decided to go downtown to "Racconto" restaurant  to get something to eat, in order to cheer up ourselves. 

I had an awesome time in the end 

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