1 de noviembre de 2013


Last night I had another Halloween party. 
This time was the birthday of one of my 彼氏's best friends, so I decided 
to go with him.

The theme of her party was "Heroes and Villains"... Pretty original.
And I was so pissed off, because it was fucking Halloween and 
she decided to be fucking thematic.

After giving it a lot of thought with my 彼氏 (because we didn't have too much time to come with a new costume and I already prepared 3 costumes for the other days), we chose "Adventure Time". I was Fionna and He was going to be the Ice King. 

I had to improvise a lot, but I managed to do it ! _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_

Needless to say, I didn't really enjoy the party.
I didn't know anyone, but everybody knew each other. And nobody was willing to have some social interactions with the outsiders... *sigh* (⇀‸↼‶)

The food and the music were good, though...
Anyways, I left the place super-early and my Halloween night was spoiled.

The only nice thing is that I got to spend time with my 彼氏 

Next year we're going dancing, definetely.


Tomorrow I'll go to an Anime Event to record and takes photos of the cosplayers.
The event is going to suck badly, but I'm pretty sure we will have fun anyways ~

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