OMG! This was like almost a week ago, But I just happened to be the 1st receiver of the "Worlwide Cosplayers Photo Journey" Project held by Kaika-sanLucky ☆ !
Even if the selection was at Random (and I just posted to give it a try, Wow!), I'm really happy to be the 1st one! ゜*(о☯ฺ▽☯ฺо)*゜The package was sent today, so the only thing left for me is to pray XD!I really want the package to arrive safely ( ;__; )Oh! and I have to select the next receiver too, so I think that would be difficult... (●´ω`●)UI guess I'll do it randomly as Kaika-san did.As soon as I get the package ~ ( ° w ° ) ~ ♪
[Photo from Lolita Charm Blog]I don't have the courage of wearing it yet.I've always thought that with a friend or with more people who wear it in this city will be easier; I know there are a few-good ones but
they still stay "hidden" (As me, I suppose).But Oh well, I'm pretty sure that one day I'll definetely do it, and correctly . Even if I'm not one on the outside, I'm a Huge fan of the ones who made the choice of following their thoughts and ways of living, so Happy Lolita Day for all those Sweet & Cute girls~! (●´ω`●) ♥