9 de febrero de 2010


Lately I've been wanting so Badly to eat Macarons and
know how they Taste~ ( ; x ; )U
[ I'm such a capricious girl Sometimes XD!!! ]

Sadly here in my city is impossible to find some French Pâtisserie, but hopefully a Dear friend from another city will send me some~! ( * o * )!

So I'm really happy and looking forward for them~ ( ^ x ^ ) v

1 de febrero de 2010

Iquique ♥

Yup! Just getting back from there~ ( ^ w ^ ) v

It was awesome, even if some of my faves stores there vanished (It's been a while since the last time I went) I managed to find a lot of cute stuffs. ( * o * ) ♥

Shopping, Lots of Chocolate, Beach and Casino gambling.
Perfect combination ♥